15 Terms Everybody In The Fridge Freezer 50/50 Industry Should Know
15 Terms Everybody In The Fridge Freezer 50/50 Industry Should Know
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A Fridge Freezer 50cm Wide Offers Plenty of Storage Space
Created to play an invisibility role in your dream kitchen, integrated fridge freezers slot seamlessly behind a subdued facia. They're surprisingly large and offer smart storage with useful features such as bottle racks.
Choose a white model to get a sleek look or add a splash of colour by choosing an anthracite model. Find a frost free model that eliminates the need to defrost.
Small and spacious
A fridge freezer with a width of 50cm provides plenty of storage space, even in tight spaces. These small models are slim in size, but have plenty of features. They're designed to fit neatly under counters or in narrow spaces between cabinets, which makes them ideal for townhouses and apartments that have small kitchens. They're also great for guest houses, basements and dorm rooms that have no room for the standard fridge or freezer.
This size fridge freezer can have a total capacity up to 173L. The fridge has shelves of 113L and 61L of drawer space. This means you can easily carry 6 bags of groceries inside, so you can stock up on fresh produce and your favourite meals. The freezer compartment is equipped with three balconies that are perfect for storing milk bottles as well as jars.
Our sleek fridge freezers come in a variety of designs to complement your kitchen. Pick a classic white or a contemporary silver finish that matches your existing appliances. Many of our models feature chrome trims, which add an extra touch of luxury while other fridges come in a choice of colours that blend seamlessly into your decor.
The best method to decide the best fridge freezer for you is to measure your space. To ensure that the appliance fits perfectly, measure the cabinet's height, width, and depth. If you're unsure of the measurements to make, talk with one of our sales associates in-store or online.
If you're looking to cut down on energy bills, a frost free refrigerator is the best option. This technology prevents the freezer from accumulating ice and makes it easier to defrost. This means that your food stays longer and fresher. The fridge freezers we offer with this feature come with an A+/F energy rating, so you can be kinder to the environment and also your electricity bills.
Stylish design
A fridge freezer that is 50cm wide has to offer a great quantity of features, but it's also crucial to select one that fits with the overall design of your kitchen. Consider models with an elegant and simple design, or an integrated model to create a seamless appearance. There are fridges with stainless steel finishes that give a modern look to any kitchen.
Energy efficiency is a major consideration when looking for an ideal refrigerator freezer. With the cost of living increasing, choosing a fridge freezer with an energy rating that is low will help lower your household costs. Emma suggests looking for a fridge freezer that has at least a C rating or lower and look into what other features it offers, such as LED lights, which according to her "consume less energy than conventional bulbs and last longer" and the Quiet Mark website symbol, which indicates the quietness of a fridge freezer.
An alarm for doors that open will notify you if the door is left open. This is a fantastic option for families with children who may forget to shut their doors. It will also save you money on your electric bill. You can also choose a model with a hinge that can be reversible, which allows you to choose the side of the fridge-freezer that you want to open from.
Smart tech is a growing trend for fridge freezers. It could include things like WiFi connected appliances that can inform you when your food is about to go off or cook up recipes based on your stock ingredients and a holiday mode that lowers energy consumption while you're away. Other features include adjustable glass shelves and drawers for salad crispers and bottles racks and humidity control for fruit and vegetables.
Energy efficient
The refrigerator freezer is a vital part of any kitchen, running all day long to keep food fresh and cool. It's likely that you don't give it much thought about the amount of electricity it consumes, however the efficiency of refrigerators has improved a lot in recent years. New models use less electricity thanks to improved insulation, more efficient motors and new refrigerants.
You can lower your electric costs by investing in the 50cm wide refrigerator freezer. It requires less energy to maintain the optimal temperature. Certain models come with an ambient switch that allows you to run the freezer at room temperature. This reduces energy consumption even when you're not eating frozen foods.
Other ways to cut down on your energy bills include opting out of the icemaker and dispenser, as these can increase the energy consumption of your freezer by 14 to 20 percent. You can also choose a fridge that has an anti-sweat switch that allows you to reduce the heating coils in order to stop condensation. This will reduce the energy bill of your fridge by 5 to 10%.
If you're looking to lower your electric bill, choose a refrigerator with advanced features such as energy-saving LED lighting and Wi-Fi connectivity that is smart. You can monitor and control your refrigerator and freezer with the smartphone app. They can notify you of any issues or notify you whether the door was left open.
A high-quality fridge freezer is a major investment however the savings in energy you can achieve by selecting an efficient model are significant. We offer a variety of options to meet every budget and requirement.
Easy to maintain
When it comes to buying fridge freezers, there are a few important aspects to take into consideration. First, the split between fridge and freezer. The majority of models provide 60/40 or a 70/30 division of fresh food items. It's also important to consider capacity, which is the amount of food the appliance can hold.
Other useful features include a salad crisper drawer and three freezer compartments with transparent lids that let you keep track of your food intake at a glance. There are models with an reversible hinge that allows you to personalize your kitchen layout. A refrigerator that is frost-free will save you the time and effort of defrosting the appliance. This will ensure that your food stays fresher for longer.